Collection Firm in Michigan Finds Payment Solutions!

Collection Company Michigan

Are you looking for a collection company in Michigan with a good track record for collecting on unpaid invoices?

We’ve been a successful Michigan collection firm for 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for you! Not only do we listen to our clients, but we use time-tested tactics to collect the money owed to you.

Not only do we serve Michigan residents, we also work with clients from around the nation and world with Michigan-based debts. We don’t make money until you make money — that’s just one reason why our experienced and qualified attorneys, staff and investigators work hard to get you results.

Don’t let the stress of trying to contact and get results from a debtor weigh you down any longer! Let our collection company in Michigan do the hard work for you. Contact our attorneys today at 248-645-2440 for a resolution to your collection matters.

Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C

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