How do you remind a debtor to pay without making them angry? Where do you even start when it comes to communicating with a debtor? Effective communication with debtors is hard work. It involves both the art of persuasion and a creative imagination. Think about it: who really wants to pay a debt? Obstinate debtors are a tough audience, yet your job is to persuade them to pay up. So how do you draw...
Read More!Did you know that when you work with a collector, your business takes responsibility for their behavior? Is it hard to find an ethical debt collector? When you hire collection professionals and include them on your collection team, you assume responsibility for the professionals to be, indeed, professional and ethical in their services. But at the same time, you give up some of your control&mdash...
Read More!Did you know that you sign a contract when you work with a debt collector? What kinds of things do you need to agree on with a collections professional? You want to make sure you have written contracts with your collections professionals. You may enter into contracts on a claim-by-claim basis, or you may sign a contract that defines an overall relationship with your professional, perhaps to be re...
Read More!What things should you avoid saying to a debtor? What steps can you take to avoid a lawsuit? When you work with consumer debtors, you should assume that the debtors are fully aware of their rights and are secretly looking for a way to sue you for violating those rights. Work from the expectation that your debtor is sophisticated: Assume that the debtor is keeping notes every bit as good as yours,...
Read More!What’s the best way to get ahold of a debtor? What’s appropriate to say to a debtor when trying to collect? Although many technologies exist for instant communication, the telephone is still one of the best. A phone call gives you direct and instant communication with no gaps in time. If you reach the desired person on the other end, they can’t complain about missing messages or...
Read More!Do you know when to stop sending statements to customers? How do you know if sending a statement is violating bankruptcy law? Sometimes it makes sense to suspend sending statements to customers. If the customer is out of business or otherwise uncollectible, sending additional statements is often futile. For example, if the customer is out of business and mail is being returned, you can stop sendi...
Read More!What counts as a legal entity when lending money? Why is it important to understand what kind of entity you’re dealing with? When it comes to credit lending, there are five common legal entities: Sole Proprietorship: A business owned and operated by an individual, without limited liability or any of the other features of a corporation. General Partnership: A business entity where the owners...
Read More!What does your credit lending process look like? Why is it important to know your customer in detail? When you extend credit, the type of legal entity you’re extending credit to is key to determining how much credit to grant. From a collection standpoint, there’s a huge difference between lending to an individual, sole proprietorship, corporation, or limited liability company. Many bu...
Read More!How do you decide whether to give a customer credit or not? Have you heard of the five Cs of credit? Any decision to extend credit to a customer is loosely based on what are commonly referred to as the five Cs of credit: character, collateral, capacity, capital, and conditions. These concepts may seem vague, and sometimes they’re more of a gut check than something you can objectively measur...
Read More!Have you been struggling to find a reliable debt collector? How can you tell a good debt collection service from a bad one? When you approach a collection professional, they should try to anticipate your needs, asking about the type of business you operate; whether your business is regional, national, or international in scope; who your debtors are (and whether they’re primarily commercial ...
Read More!How thoroughly do you document transactions with your clients? Did you know that proper documentation can save you a whole lot of legal trouble? An old expression, always applicable to billing practices, states, “It isn’t done if it isn’t in writing.” Everything in the billing system must be in writing. This is usually referred to as a paper trail. As a general rule, whoev...
Read More!Are you familiar with the basics of entering a contract? Do you know what makes a contract valid or invalid? The five essential elements to a contract are offer, acceptance, consideration, mutuality, and legality. The process of negotiating a contract starts with the offer, an invitation to enter into a binding contract. The person making the offer is the offeror, and the person receiving the off...
Read More!Are you familiar with the three most common types of bankruptcy? Do you know the difference between voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy? The most common “chapters” (or types) in bankruptcy are Chapters 7, 11, and 13. A simple explanation of each chapter follows: Chapter 7, straight liquidation: In a chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor’s assets are divided into two categories...
Read More!Are you struggling to get a debtor to pay? Do you know how to build a list of their assets? When your debtor isn’t paying, you need to pursue his assets to collect your judgment. After you have a list of his assets, you can proceed with strong collection actions, including garnishment and “execution” (seizure and sale of a defendant’s assets). Start building your list by s...
Read More!Do you keep thorough notes on your credit customers? How often do you review credit information with your clients? You can help keep the odds in your favor by insisting on good documentation throughout the credit and collection process. Good documentation begins with a credit application, which is required before your first sale on credit to any customer. Review Credit Information for Existing Cu...
Read More!Is your debtor hard to contact? Are they avoiding your calls? What could possibly be worse than voicemail jail? A disconnected phone! In business, a disconnected phone is usually the kiss of death for your collections. It can be a major frustration, but the phone may not be the only way to communicate with your customer. Possible quick solutions include: Showing up on the debtor’s doorstep ...
Read More!Are your customers’ payments continually late? Want to learn how to speed up the process of getting paid? Sometimes you want to go over to your customer’s office, locate their checkbook, and hand someone a check to fill out for payment on your outstanding invoices. Instead, you need a system to closely monitor progress on the account and to communicate with the customer as often as ne...
Read More!Can’t get through to your debtor? Have you decided to take legal action? While you know your case is valid, you’ll still need to prove it in court. Even when it’s difficult or time-consuming, presenting a strong case requires bringing documents, witnesses, and other relevant evidence to court. Common mistakes in small claims court include: Not knowing who may represent your comp...
Read More!Are your debtors refusing to pay? Have you had enough? Before you threaten litigation, make sure you’ve laid a solid foundation. Although you can sue over any debt that’s owed to you, good collection practices improve your chances of winning and collecting the entire amount of your claim. Here’s a brief recap of the process: Formally Demand Payment – When the account becom...
Read More!Is it difficult to get the money you’re owed from customers? Want to learn tactics to get paid sooner? If a debtor gets away with stalling on an account, your company ends up footing the bill for any shortfall in cash flow. In a difficult economy, your cash flow may be strained even when your customers pay on time. You must cut the stall tactics short to improve your cash flow and regain co...
Read More!Do your customers come up with excuses to not pay? Are your contracts weak? When you draft a contract, you should incorporate standard clauses that clarify your intentions and simplify your life in the event of disputes or litigation. Clauses you normally want to include are: Acceleration – A provision that causes any balances payable on an installment plan to become immediately due in the ...
Read More!Is your customer withholding payment? Do they have complaints over the contract or quality of your products? By getting specific details relating to the debtor’s complaints, you can address each of these issues to resolve the problem. Consider your debtor’s dispute: Is the problem at your end? Is it something you or somebody in your company did wrong, or something your company is resp...
Read More!Is your delinquent customer ignoring your requests for payment? Is there proof that this customer owes you money? Before a debtor commits to payment, you may have to force them to make an admission. What is An Admission? An admission is a statement from the debtor conceding that they owe you money. Don’t think of getting admissions as a passive process, but rather as an active one. An...
Read More!Are your customers asking for an extension of credit? Are they less than trustworthy? In the credit industry, when an applicant asks for an extension of credit that isn’t justified based on their net worth, rejection is imminent. One way to extend credit to applicants who fall into this category is to request that the customer obtain a guaranty of payment from either a person or another com...
Read More!Don’t want to wait and see if your customers pay their bills? The two leading alternatives to the traditional collection of accounts receivable are: Credit insurance: An insurance company actually insures the account receivable, typically for a fixed percentage of its value. Factoring: You sell the account receivable at a discount to another company – usually called a factor – f...
Read More!Are your customers becoming debtors? Is it time you got help with debt collection in Michigan? Collection law firms are ready and willing to help you with billing, tracking down debtors that have gone missing, finding assets, and other credit and collection needs. Whether you have a problem with a small number of accounts or most or all of your accounts receivable, you can find profes...
Read More!Have you reached an impasse with your debtor? Are they refusing to pay the full amount? You may have to negotiate. The good news is, you’re probably better at negotiation than you think. You have negotiated deals and agreements all your life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. There’s no master list of all the skills necessary for successful negotiation, but, ...
Read More!Do you have difficult customers who complain often? How can you resolve such disputes quickly? When a customer has a complaint, sometimes the best way to get the information you need is to ask a simple question: “What seems to be the problem?” You then must listen carefully and analytically to your customer’s response. If the customer’s answer is too vagu...
Read More!Have you noticed a decline in prompt payments from customers? How can you take back control? Keeping a steady cash flow is difficult in good economic times and a real challenge when recessionary pressures set in. A domino effect occurs when your customers fail to pay your company on time – resulting in your company’s inability to pay its creditors on time. To keep your cash flow posit...
Read More!Are you considering extending credit to a customer? Do you want to prevent collection headaches? Regardless of how much profit you have built into your products or services, some customers pose too much risk and should not get credit. So, what does a high-risk customer look like? Here are the biggest warning signs: Balance sheets: The customer’s balance sheets and operating stat...
Read More!Having trouble locating your debtor? Government and public directories can aid in your skip tracing endeavor. Many federal, state, county, and local records are now available online, usually for free and without requiring a password. Finding these sites can take a bit of digging, and some states and counties offer more than others, but sometimes you’ll find a real goldmine. Public rec...
Read More!Is your debtor stalling on their payments? When people can’t or won’t pay what they owe, they trot out all sorts of excuses. Here are some of the most common stall tactics and what you can do to overcome them: Stall Tactic 1: “I don’t have enough money on hand to pay you in full.” Solution: Remind the debtor of possible untapped sources of funds: mo...
Read More!Do you want to avoid filing a formal lawsuit? Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is likely the best option for you. ADR comes in many forms. The two primary forms are: Mediation – A mediator helps the parties achieve a mutually agreeable resolution of their dispute. Arbitration – An arbitrator (or panel of arbitrators) reviews evidence, listens to the parties argue...
Read More!Has one of your customers become a debtor? Want to learn how to write an effective collection letter? The more you can customize your collection process, the more effective it becomes. Just as a journalist covers who, what, when, where , and why , you want to cover all the bases: be specific with dates, invoices, balances due, interest amounts, and due dates. Make sure your debtor kno...
Read More!Are calls with your debtors difficult? Do you find it hard to reach a resolution with slow payors or no payors? During collection calls, you need to maintain control over the conversation, but simultaneously listen carefully to what the debtor is saying. If the debtor is asking for more time, you should remain firm while encouraging prompt payment. If the debtor raises a dispute...
Read More!Need help turning your judgment into cash? Do you have expired claims? Are you dealing with a contested lawsuit? Muller, Muller, Richmond & Harms, P.C. can help you with debt collection services in Farmington Hills, Michigan and the surrounding areas. We Specialize in Debt Collection! We can help you build a strategy customized to fit your business needs. We want...
Read More!Do you have frequent problems with your customers becoming debtors? How can you prevent this? Setting up an effective billing system now can save you from collection headaches later. An effective billing system can help remind your debtor of payment, leave a paper trail, and potentially prevent customers from taking advantage of you. An effective billing system requires t...
Read More!Are you on the verge of closing a deal? Is your contract written or oral? An oral contract - sometimes called a verbal contract - is one that isn’t in writing. It’s a handshake deal. Many business contracts are verbal. The State of Michigan has a law, called the statute of frauds, that requires certain contracts to be in writing and signed by the party against whom e...
Read More!What can you obtain while on a call with a debtor? The expression “out of the mouths of babes” is applicable to many conversations with debtors. Listen carefully and you’ll uncover pearls of information from debtors including information you can use later to collect the debt, such as after you’ve obtained a judgement and are looking for assets to attach. You want to ...
Read More!If you know about your debtor’s assets, like inventory, equipment, vehicles, watercraft, or other personal or real property, you can ask the court to issue a writ to attach property, sometimes referred to as a “writ of execution” or a “writ to seize property. ” We can help you form a successful debt collection strategy to seize your debtor’s property. Most stat...
Read More!Have a judgment, but not sure what to do next? Considering your post judgment options? At this point, your debtor likely falls into one of the following three categories: An eager payer: now that you have a judgment in hand, your debtor wants to pay it off. This type of debtor is a rare bird, but they do exist! A negotiator: the debtor wants to either make payments over time or pay you a percenta...
Read More!Over the course of collecting accounts, you find debtors who pay the moment they receive your first letter or phone call, as well as debtors who won’t pay and who constantly test you to see how hard you’ll pursue the collection. If you have to get a judgment, you already know you’re not dealing with an easy case. If your debtor can afford to pay you but chooses not to pay, he or...
Read More!When your debtor says, “You waited too long to try to collect. I’m not going to pay you because I have no legal obligation to do so.” All claims arising from business agreements have an expiration period. Under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a claim for breach of contract for the sale of goods, the statute of limitations is four years. For commercial sales, the UCC permits p...
Read More!Waiting for your defendant to answer your lawsuit? If the defendant files an answer to your lawsuit, the court clerk places the case on the court’s trial docket. You receive a copy of the answer either from the civil clerk or directly from the defendant. Even if the defendant starts out by contesting the case and denying your claim for payment, he or she can pay you off and obtain a dismiss...
Read More!If you have good collection policies, they should include time frames in which to take certain actions, including these: Following up with demand letters requiring payment when an account balance becomes delinquent. Following up with collection phone calls when demand letters don’t produce payment. Immediately following up with the debtor when the debtor doesn’t keep promises to make ...
Read More!Unless the court where your judgment was entered has a limitation, you may seek multiple garnishments against the same debtor. For example, you know where the debtor works and where he or she has a savings account, so you issue both a wage garnishment and a bank garnishment at the same time. You don’t want to over-garnish a defendant, and you can get into trouble if you collect more than yo...
Read More!After your customer’s paying habits deteriorate, he or she may become elusive and avoid communication. Rather than picking up the phone and discussing the account, he or she may let your calls go straight to voicemail and won’t return them. On occasion, you may find that your customer’s voice mailbox is full and can accept no further calls. Elusion is a red flag. Put your ...
Read More!If you can’t get paid any other way, it may be time to consider collecting through a lawsuit. Before you jump straight into court, however, get things right by considering the following: The strengths and weaknesses of your claim, and whether you need to settle for less than you want or write off the debt . Whether you should file a lawsuit or instead consider alternative dispute resolution...
Read More!Do things look bleak for your debt collection efforts? Have you determined that the debts owed to you are uncollectable? Talk to an experienced debt collection attorney in Michigan today to ensure that nothing else can be done. You can pursue debts owed to you up to a point. You can use your knowledge and instincts, along with advice from experienced debt collection attorneys, to determine the po...
Read More!Did you receive a check that bounced? Were there nonsufficient funds? How can you minimize the impact of nonsufficient fund checks? Sometimes receiving a check from a debtor is only half the battle. Having the check clear the bank is the critical part. Because so many of your customers are issuing multiple checks at the same time to various creditors, it’s incumbent upon you to get to the b...
Read More!You probably never considered a check to be two-dimensional. It’s just a piece of paper, and all that matters is that the information is filled out on the face of the check, right? Not so fast! You need to watch out for special language that may appear on customer checks, for example: “Paid in full” “In full settlement” “Full and final payment” Don&...
Read More!What happens if you can’t get your defendant served? Does your defendant fail to sign for certified letters? Does mail comes back marked “return to sender” (or “address unknown,” or “no such number”)? If your process server can’t find the defendant, do you have to get the documents served in order to move forward? Not necessarily. The court can gran...
Read More!When you choose whether to handle a case yourself, two factors usually dominate your decision-making process: Cost: How much will it cost to litigate your case, with or without a lawyer? Complexity: Is the case too difficult or too time consuming to handle yourself? Ideally, before you file your case, you should have a pretty good handle on the cost of getting a judgment and whether the case is s...
Read More!Making collection calls? Are you having a hard time tracking down your debtor? Collection calls can be frustrating, but remember to keep your cool! The FDCPA imposes some specific restrictions on your collection phone calls to debtors. Follow these guidelines: Collection Calls should be made during normal business hours to avoid harassing the debtor. Normally, calls should be made between 8a.m. a...
Read More!Which accounts should I garnish? How do you figure out what to garnish? When is the best time to garnish? Timing is everything! You should try to time the service of a garnishment to maximize your chances of recovering money. What do we mean? If your debtor tends to pay his bills at a specific time of month, try to garnish around that time. If your debtor is an individual, garnishing a bank...
Read More!When an individual who owes you money dies, you should follow up for collection. You do this by filing a proof of claim with the person’s probate estate in the probate court of the county where the debtor resided. Check with the probate court where the estate was filed, as it may have a standard claim form for creditor’s claims. Conventional pre-and post-judgment remedies are no longe...
Read More!Are you looking for debt recovery help in Michigan? You may be asking yourself: “How long do I have to collect on a judgment?” “Can I settle this out of court?” “Do I need to get an attorney involved?” Hiring an attorney to handle your case may be in your best interest. At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. we can help you get what yo...
Read More!Did you receive a judgment? Are you wondering how to collect on your judgment? You may be wondering which tools are available to enforce your judgment. After the ink is dry, when the time for an appeal has passed and the judgment becomes final and enforceable – unless your debtor has written you a check – it’s time to explore post-judgment remedies. A variety of tools are availa...
Read More!Do you have debtors in the military? Are you having a hard time collecting? Unfortunately, it can be a little bit more difficult to see any money from these debtors. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides protection to members of the military assigned to federal active duty so that their legal rights aren’t adversely affected by their military service. Among the provisions of t...
Read More!A debt collection lawsuit is the strongest measure you can take to enforce collection of an unpaid balance. It involves filing a summons and a complaint with the court; the debtor then has some options: Contesting your case by filing an answer and – under the right circumstances – also a counterclaim against you. Making arrangements for payment, which when complete results in a dismis...
Read More!When your debtor moves, use your best skip-tracing efforts to locate him. Make demands on the debtor in the new location and try to persuade him to pay. Verifying an address, phone number, and even a new bank account or place of employment furthers your cause! When you’re trying to collect a judgment from someone who moved away, remember: States are obligated to recognize judgments ob...
Read More!Given the cost of execution and the chance of being stuck with the bill, it makes sense to have a solid plan in mind before you initiate the process. First, you want to be sure that your debtor has enough assets to cover the cost of this process, and ideally, to also cover most or all of the amount owed on the judgment. Start by gathering accurate and specific information that a court officer or ...
Read More!Testifying at trial is intimidating, particularly the first time you take the stand. As long as you’re prepared, you have nothing to fear. Most states forbid lawyers in small claims court, so your case will probably be heard in a regular trial court. Although the general procedures of a trial court are the same as small claims court, more formalities must be observed in trial court. As with...
Read More!Are you worried about going to trial? Do you know what to expect? Are you wondering how you can strengthen your testimony? Testifying at a trial can be a nerve-wracking experience. As with everything else in trial, the number one key to success is preparation. With a few simple steps, you can make your testimony even more powerful: Maintain a professional look. Don’t underestimate the power...
Read More!Are unpaid invoices making you frustrated? Are your debtors failing to take their debts seriously? Do you need help coming up with a debt collection strategy? Debt collectors know there are many consequences if a debt is ignored: ruined credit ratings, loss of assets, wage garnishments – the list is endless! There comes a point when it becomes apparent that your debtor fails to take your co...
Read More!Are you having a hard time settling your case? Are you worried about going to trial? Contact Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. to help you today! Our team of professional, aggressive and result-minded attorneys is determined to successfully collect your debts. Since 1961, our top-rated attorneys have handled debt collections in Michigan. If your case doesn’t settle, the judg...
Read More!Are you having trouble with slow payers? Do you need help with a debt collection strategy? Have you tried just giving them a phone call reminder? Never underestimate the power of a phone call! Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone the minute a debt becomes delinquent. It’s never too soon to make that call. For a past-due bill, person-to-person contact is far better and the most effectiv...
Read More!Are you worried about customer loyalty? Do you want to set tighter controls over new customers’ payment habits? Are you finding it challenging to get new customers to pay on-time? When you first extend credit, your new customer knows he’s being monitored. For that reason, in most cases he’ll pay the first few invoices on time. After that point, some customers decide that they ca...
Read More!Do you have expired claims? Are you unsure whether the statute of limitations has run out? The statute of limitations is called an affirmative defense. The defendant must raise the statute as a defense to your collections lawsuit and they have the burden of proving that the statute of limitations has run. It’s possible to get a judgment on an expired claim where the debtor has overloo...
Read More!Is your deal legal? Did you have a legal document drawn up? Are you in the habit of making deals without a signed contract? That’s probably a bad idea. Your handshake deal is legal, so why does everybody tell you to “get it in writing?” That “if it isn’t written, it doesn’t exist”? The two main reasons are: Memories fade : You may have a very clear ...
Read More!Trying to step up your collection efforts? Are you having a hard time tracking down your debtors? Are you ready to give up? Don’t forget to search Facebook, the most popular social networking site! People put an amazing amount of information about themselves online. You never know, your debtor could be hiding in plain sight - you just need to know where to look! For example, a company decid...
Read More!Are you looking for smart moves when it comes to negotiation? Want to create a win-win for everyone involved? Would you rather get something rather than nothing? In today’s uncertain, fast-paced business world, good negotiating skills are an essential part of a successful credit and collection policies. Keep the following goals in mind as you put your best foot forward in the negotiation pr...
Read More!Why should you pay $100 to collect $50? Good question. It doesn’t make sense to overspend when collecting accounts receivable. The costs of collection should never exceed the receivable’s full value. If your case goes into litigation, you incur collection costs in addition to the fee payable to your collections professional. Lawsuits cost money, so be sure to discuss your litiga...
Read More!Are you training your staff to deal with billing matters properly? Do you have an effective billing strategy in place? Do you need help training your staff on billing matters? The documents you collect through your billing system only benefit you if they’re accurate. Errors, ambiguities, and omissions create confusion and may cause you collection headaches. Even your best customers will ref...
Read More!Do you consistently use invoicing in your business? Are your invoices effective? Is your invoicing failing to do the trick? When considering what to include on an invoice, put yourself in your customer’s position. Ask yourself what questions you’d want answered before you pay the bill. For example, wouldn’t you want to know what the bill is for, what dates are covered, who provi...
Read More!Are you frustrated because your debtors are moving out of state? Are you having a hard time keeping track of your debtors? Are you wondering how you can still collect on your judgment? People move around – it’s what people do. Quite literally, debtors can be moving targets – hard to keep track of and hard to collect from. When a debtor moves, use your best skip-tracing efforts t...
Read More!Don’t wait too long to hire a debt collection attorney in Michigan to help you win your case. The older a debt gets, the more difficult it become to collect! If you’re past the point of collecting profits you may now be trying to minimize your losses. According to the Credit & Collections Kit for Dummies, written by Steven A. Harms, former senior partner at Muller, Muller, Richmon...
Read More!Do you have difficulty with debtors not following a payment schedule? What can you do to ensure that you continue to receive payments – for the agreed-upon amount, and on-time? Are you frustrated with debtors who do not respond to your emails, and who, worse than that, do not take your calls? When your debtor is unable to pay the entire outstanding balance, setting up a payment plan c...
Read More!Did your trial result in an unfavorable outcome? Do you think the judge misinterpreted the facts of your case? Are you considering an appeal? One of your first thoughts when you consider an appeal is likely to be, “This is going to cost me.” At times, an appeal can be as costly as a trial, and because of the slow progress of cases in most appellate courts, getting a decision on your a...
Read More!Having trouble serving a lawsuit? Does your debtor claim they were never sued? Are you sick and tired of debtors making up excuses? Ensure your lawsuit gets properly served. Get expert tips from our debt collectors in Michigan at Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. The law requires you serve your defendants with legal papers in a way that you can later prove that the defendant actually re...
Read More!Want to save time and get paid quickly? An alternative dispute resolution may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Do you want to go the ADR route instead of filing a formal lawsuit? Do you need help with alternative dispute resolution? To prepare for ADR for debt collections in Michigan you must: Gather your evidence: Gather all documents that relate to the matter. Gather written s...
Read More!Are you having a hard time getting your debtor to commit to repayment? Are they failing to keep their verbal promises? Do you need help drafting an email or letter to your debtor? When you write to your debtor, your primary goal is to motivate him or her to commit to repayment in writing. Reaching an oral agreement can be a difficult part of the collection battle, but if you don’t get it in...
Read More!Having a hard time collecting on your judgment? Need help developing your collection strategy? Are you not sure if you need to seek legal advice from a professional? Despite your best efforts, not every negotiation will be successful. If your attempts to reach a reasonable resolution are refused by your debtor, you need to consider a different approach to move the process forward to getting paid....
Read More!Can you use your debtor’s admission in court? Are admissions good evidence? What qualifies as an admission? An admission is a statement from the debtor conceding that he or she owes you money. An admission may be full (“I owe you all the money you claim”) or partial (“I owe you some of the money, but dispute the balance.”) The admission can come in a number of forms,...
Read More!Are you having a hard time making collection calls? Do you need help developing a strategy? Are you having a hard time getting debtors to answer your calls? We’ve been Michigan’s most successful collection firm for 56 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for all our clients! So, we want to pass on some wisdom to you to make...
Read More!Are you having trouble dealing with your debtor’s personality? Are your debtors unpleasant to deal with? Are you having a hard time finding the best way to deal with problem customers? Debtors come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. If you’re lucky, your customer will be polite and apologetic. However, it’s more realistic to think that you’ll encounter unpleasant beh...
Read More!Are you prepared to take your case to court? Are you concerned about going in front of a judge? Do you know the facts of your case? Can you communicate them clearly? You need to make sure you set clear goals to ensure that your case has a successful outcome. Not sure what to do or how to get started? We can help you work toward a successful outcome! Set Clear Goals for a Successful Case The bette...
Read More!Were you awarded a judgment, but you’re not sure how to collect on it? Are your debtors avoiding payment? Are you frustrated by the challenges of try to seize your debtor’s assets? Judgment recovery can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t do it every day. In fact, you can collect a judgment by seizing property, seizing assets, and even by garnishing wages or tax returns....
Read More!Are you unsure of what you need when it comes to filing your claim? Do you need to gather evidence? Do you need help preparing for court? At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., we pursue actions that are aggressive, but professional. We work to find the quickest and most efficient way for our clients to collect. If you’re frustrated taking on your own collections, leave it to ...
Read More!Are you prepared to go to court? Are you prepared to be questioned by a judge? Do you have all the evidence to support your claims? If the answer is, “No” then you should have a debt collector in Michigan on your side prepared to fight for your rights in court. When you’ve made the decision to file a lawsuit, you need to think about how you’re going to prove your cas...
Read More!How do you know when to write off a debt and forget about it? Are you having a hard time letting it go? Is your debtor out of business? Business is tough enough without encountering customers who don’t pay, but it’s very difficult to run a successful company without offering credit. It’s a gamble, but one you probably need to take. And, sooner or later, you’ll get slow pay...
Read More!Do collections have you fed up? Are you frustrated by getting nowhere with your collection efforts? Have you tried everything to get your debtor to pay up? When all else fails, you may have to sue your debtor! How do you get the process started? File a lawsuit: prepare, file and serve a lawsuit on your debtor. Litigate a case: take a default judgment if your debtor fails to answer. If...
Read More!Are you tired of seeing no results after a lot of hard work? Is taking people to court costing you an arm and a leg? Can you ask the court for collection fees and interest? Here’s what you need to know: In most cases, your debtor will try to settle the amount they owe for less than the total amount due. Many creditors will take the deal and settle. However, if you want debt collection attor...
Read More!Do you have debtors that are hard to track down? Are you having a hard time finding out where your debtors have relocated? Are you giving up hope of ever finding your lost debtors? Don’t worry! We can help you track them down! According to the Credit & Collections Kit for Dummies, written by Steven A. Harms, former senior partner at Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., &ld...
Read More!You’ve heard the saying “time is money.” In terms of debt collection, it really does hold true! The longer the debtor is delinquent, the less likely you are to recover money on that account. To put it in financial terms, after six months, a delinquent bill is typically only 50% recoverable. After 12 months, many bills are less than 10% recoverable. If your customer has multiple ...
Read More!Do you have your sales staff pitching your credit products, but there isn’t a lot of return on investment? Are you having a difficult time growing your business? Do you need help with your debt collection in Michigan ? There must be checks and balances in place that periodically get reviewed. If you don’t have these checks in place, your accounts receivables can get out of hand.  ...
Read More!Do you have many outstanding invoices? Do you need account receivables help? Are you worried you may have to file for bankruptcy if your clients keep failing to pay their invoices? Whether you need help with a single claim or monthly portfolio help, you’re in good hands at Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. Imagine how great it would be to avoid worrying about the possibility of ba...
Read More!Do you own a small business? Are you struggling to balance your books? Are you looking for a bill collector in Michigan that can help you follow through with late paying customers? When it comes to late-paying customers, they often fall into three categories: Customers who want to pay their bills, but can’t do it on time because of real financial problems. Customers who want to delay or jug...
Read More!Are you having trouble finding a law firm to represent your company in collection matters? Are you having a difficult time tracking down debtors on your own? Are you worried about handling payment negotiations on your own? At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., we’ve tracked down overdue accounts for over 50 years! We’ll handle your case with the professional attention i...
Read More!Are you looking for a speedy resolution to your collection matters? Do you want to ensure your creditor’s rights are protected? Are you looking for a fair debt collector in Michigan to collect on your unpaid invoices? Many people are scared of losing their business due to unpaid invoices because they’ve waited so long to collect that they’re in a hole. It can be hard to dig your...
Read More!Worried a few old, overdue contracts or open balances on your books have been sitting too long for you to do anything about them? Unsure what your options are to pursue payment on old accounts? Our experts on debt collection in Michigan understand that handling long overdue accounts can be a time consuming and stressful job. These accounts should be turned over to a debt collection professional a...
Read More!Are you an insurance company looking for debt collection in Michigan ? Are your policyholders failing to make their monthly payments? Do you hear nothing but excuses as to why payments are late? Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. has experience and understanding with complex insurance claims and disputes. Non-payment between an insurer and its policyholders is not uncommon, but often sim...
Read More!Are you tired of wasting time making collection calls? Are you looking for a collection firm that will aggressively pursue the money you’re owed in an ethical manner? Do you want results? Of course you do! We can help you get on the right track! We’re here to tell you the simple steps you can follow to ensure success in debt collections in Michigan . If you don’t want to struggl...
Read More!Are you wondering whether you can force your debtor to pay your attorney fees? We’ve got everything thing you need to know and more, right here! Pursuing Debt Collection in Michigan At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C. we want to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in pursuing your debt collection in Michigan . Since 1961, our top rated lawyers have been dedicated ...
Read More!Are you doing your own collections, but coming up short? Tired of having the phone hung up on you? Are you frustrated enough to let someone else help you? At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., we’ve tracked down overdue accounts for over 50 years! We’ll handle your case with the professional attention it deserves and we’re well prepared to use all our options to c...
Read More!Are you wondering about how your clients’ debt will be collected? Are you wondering what kinds of benefits are exempt from debt collection in Michigan ? According to the Michigan Fair Debt Collections Act, the following benefits are exempt from income garnishments by debt collectors: 1. Public assistance 2. Supplemental security income 3. &nbs...
Read More!We want to win your case as much as you do! We don’t get paid unless you get paid! We’ve been a successful Michigan collection firm for 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for you! Not only do we listen to our clients, but we use time-tested tactics to collect the money owed to you. According to the State of Michigan Attorney...
Read More!Do you have customers who are late paying their bills by more than 60 days? Do you have out of state debtors that are harder to track down? Have your numerous attempts to collect failed? Hiring a lawyer for debt collection in Michigan may be beneficial to you and your business. Just imagine how much more time you’ll have to focus on growing your business rather than chasing down debts. How ...
Read More!Are you struggling to collect business debts? Are you putting aside other office duties to concentrate on chasing down debtors? Are you worried that you’re going to lose profit because of unpaid invoices and debts? You’re not alone! Many businesses struggle to get their clients and customers to pay them on time. Instead of spending precious hours trying to get a debtor on the phone, t...
Read More!Want to improve your cash flow? Do you want to free up your office staff for other important duties rather than making collection calls? Are you looking for an easier way to collect on debt? We’ve got your collection matters handled At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C., we offer a variety of debt collection services in Michigan . Since 1961, our top rated lawyers have been d...
Read More!Do you need to file a lawsuit for credit card fraud? Are you looking to resolve your debt dispute with litigation? Are you looking to sue an old business partner for a loan they didn’t pay back? No matter what the issue, we can try and help you! We’ve provided successful collection services in Michigan for 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very har...
Read More!Are you looking for reputable collection companies in Michigan to represent you and your business? We’ve been a successful Michigan collection firm for 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for all our clients! What’s most important to you in a debt collection lawyer? • Ethical values • Professiona...
Read More!Are you looking for a collection company in Michigan with a good track record for collecting on unpaid invoices? We’ve been a successful Michigan collection firm for 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for you! Not only do we listen to our clients, but we use time-tested tactics to collect the money owed to you. Not only do we serv...
Read More!Do you have a judgment but can’t seem to collect on it? Have you been to other collection firms that can’t seem to collect on your debt? We’re not like other law firms! How would you like to feel well taken care of? Eliminate the added stress of worrying about debts being paid today by speaking to our attorneys for debt collection in Michigan . For over 57 years, we’v...
Read More!Are you looking to collect on Michigan debtors? Are you looking for a fair debt collector in Michigan to collect on your unpaid invoices? You’ve come to the right place! At Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, our top rated lawyers are dedicated to professionally and aggressively pursuing the money you’re owed in a straightforward, ethical manner. With offices in Birmingham and Gran...
Read More!Every business eventually has to deal with debts. But how do you handle it when there is money owed to you that can go weeks or months without being repaid? Do you follow up on old accounts and track down debts yourself? Do you hire shady firms to harass or deceive your debtors? Do you directly sue or submit your dispute to an arbitrator? Of course not! These methods are difficult, stressful, and...
Read More!Is your business in trouble because of clients not paying their invoices? Are you finding it difficult to collect? Are you unsure what the next step should be? Should you hire a professional bill collector in Michigan ? Our attorneys and collectors have more than 50 years of experience! We’ll give your case dedicated, personal attention, whether your claim is big or small. Imagine having an...
Read More!Is your business in trouble due to unpaid invoices? Did a business deal go bad? Do you have a habit of providing services first without a deposit? Has it gotten you in trouble due to debtors not paying their bills? Our commercial collections in Michigan can help you save your business by fighting for your creditor’s rights. We’ve been in the business of working for you, the client, fo...
Read More!Are you a Michigan business owner with a customer who refuses to pay? Is chasing down unpaid bills interfering with your business? You aren’t alone! Chasing down debts is a draining experience for anyone, especially an already busy business owner. Spending your time, energy, and effort on getting paid affects what you can do for your business, and even what you can do for your other clients...
Read More!Does an individual or company owe you money? Are you struggling to get invoices paid or to get any information at all from your debtors? Are you losing profit because you’re unable to focus on keeping your business running efficiently while you deal with trying to be a CEO and a bill collector in Michigan all at the same time? It’s time to take the next step and get an experienced tea...
Read More!Are you looking to file a lawsuit against a debtor? Are you struggling to find a qualified debt collector in Michigan that meets your needs? We have been a successful Michigan collection firm for more than 57 years. This is possible because our experienced attorneys work very hard to get results for you! Not only do we listen to our clients, but we do our best to employ time-tested tactics t...
Read More!This website is made available by the lawyer or law firm publisher for educational purposes only. This website provides general information and a general understanding of the law — this website does not provide specific legal advice. By using this website you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and the website publisher. The website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney.