Professional Debt Collections in Michigan

Has a client or customer of yours received your services but refuses to pay?

Is the frustration from chasing debtors affecting you or your business?

Thousands of professionals like you work hard for your clients, customers and patients, and you deserve to be compensated. Few things can be as frustrating as chasing down a client who refuses to pay for your hard work.

The Muller Law Firm has spent years helping businesses, big and small, with their professional debt collections in Michigan. We believe that you’ve probably already worked hard for a client. Why should you have to work even harder just to get the payment you’re owed?

Imagine being able to focus on your business instead of having to chase down payments. What would your business look like then? Would you have more clients, more time, or more profits?

So, what makes us so great at professional debt collections in Michigan?

You can be confident that our attorneys will seek results and do it in an ethical manner. We offer a professional, yet aggressive approach to debt collections in Michigan. As an action- and result-oriented collections law firm, you’ll be working with reputable leaders of the collections industry. Because our attorneys have vast experience and knowledge in the state and federal collections regulations such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and Fair Credit Reporting Act, our clients can be sure that we’ll pursue your collection in an effective manner throughout the collections process.

If you’re seeking an attorney for professional debt collection, remember that our initial consultation is free, with no obligation. We don’t believe in charging you just to speak with us. We’ll review your case, and give you advice on how to proceed. Our staff are experts in professional debt collection, so you can be assured you’re speaking to someone who not only is experienced, but who already has many successes in cases much like yours.

If you’d like to speak to one of our experienced experts about collecting your legally owed payments or invoices, give us a call at 248-645-2440.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don’t want other clients of mine being put off or feeling like they might be threatened. What about that?

A: Our firm believes in getting results, and doing so ethically, respectfully, and keeping up your good name.

Q: But what if the amount I’m owed isn’t much? Isn’t it a waste of time?

A: Absolutely not! Call us whether the debt you’re owed is $3,000 or $300,000!

If you’d like to speak to one of our experienced experts about collecting your legally owed payments or invoices, give us a call at 248-645-2440


Muller, Muller, Richmond, & Harms, P.C

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